HP Center Website


Communism and Islamism are on the rise and sweeping into countries around the world. They are clear and present threats to Christianity.

Persecution against God’s people continues to increase year-by-year. Millions of Jesus followers globally face discrimination, imprisonment and in many countries even death. We all watched in horror as ISIS swept across Syria and Iraq; as the Taliban retook Afghanistan; as northern Nigeria endured attack after attack from Islamic extremists; as China began shutting down churches, imprisoning worshipers and forcing churches to adopt communist preaching into sermons and biblical teachings; For years, we watched Russia's gradual decline back to communism as President Putin solidified his power until 2038 and vowed to regain the glory of the "Soviet Era." The world watched in shock as Putin moved hundreds of thousands of soldiers and tanks into Ukraine, an act of aggression that threatens the world into a Third World War.

Through the horrors of these evil Christian persecutions and human rights violations, we’re working alongside partners directly in the field for long-term impact.


“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matt 24:14

There is a great hunger for the Word of God.

It is astounding to believe that in the 21st century millions of people around the world remain today without a Bible.

Christians living in restrictive countries are begging for Bibles. They thirst and hunger for the Word of God. Dr. Haralan Popov vowed to bring Bibles into countries that forbade them. For years he smuggled Bibles into communist countries. When we bring them a Bible, they clutch it to their hearts with tears streaming down their faces in gratitude saying, “I have prayed for years for a Bible.”

Until you know what it is like to live without a Bible and desperately wanting one, you don’t know how thirsty you become for the Word of God.


“Remembering the Oppressed”

Christian persecution comes in many ways. Those who suffer persecution are targeted for their faith in Jesus Christ. They risk violence, imprisonment, torture and even death. They are often ostracized in their communities and rejected by their families. They risk losing their jobs and their education. Many suffer severe poverty.


Our aim is to reach the unreached people with the Bible - God's Word.

The Bible is a roadmap to Christ.

For people living in countries where Bibles are restricted, how can they read about salvation? How will those living under the darkness of Islam learn about Christ? How will new converts to Christianity grow in Christ and remain strong in the face of persecution? Without a Bible they can easily be like the seed a farmer planted that “sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.” Matt 13:6

The priceless gift of a Bible – more precious than gold

The Bible is God’s own Word. Without God there is no hope. Without Christ there is no salvation.

“I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Someone needs to give the lost, the hurting, the thirsty, a Bible.

Will that be you?